Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2023). Longing for school: the unexpected impetus for a 'New school Movement'. In N. Kuhlmann, N. Rose, O. Hilbrich, J. Bellmann, & S. Reh (Eds.), Sozialtheoretische Erziehungwissenschaft . Konturen eines Theorie- und Forschungsprogramms (pp. 275-291). Bremen: Springer.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2023). Remettre « l’école » au coeur de nos établissements d’enseignement. Se réapproprier l’école comme forme pédagogique. Éthique en éducation et en formation, 14, 96-112.
Masschelein, J., Simons, M., & Larrosa, J. (2022). A questão com a escola/da escola: tramas da fábula escolar. In J. S. Fonseca de Carvalho (Eds.), Jacques Rancière e a escola: educação, política e emancipação (pp. 107-136). Belo Horizonte: Autêntica.
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Simons, M. & Masschelein, J. (2021). Looking after the school: a critical analysis of personalisation in education. Leuven: Education, Culture & Society Publishers.
Simons, M. (2021). The rediscovery of the irrelevance of educational thinking. Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 11(1), 58-61.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2020). In defense of the world … and the family? Preface to the Korean edition of ‘In Defense of the School. A public issue’
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2020). Szkola jako czas wolny. Bractwa Trojka.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2019). Bringing more 'school' into our educational institutions. Reclaiming school as pedagogic form. In: A. Bikner-Ahsbahs, M. Peters (Eds.), Unterrichtsentwicklung macht Schule Forschung und Innovation im Fachunterricht, (11-30). Springer Verlag.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2019). Het failliet van onderwijs op maat: naar pedagogische werkplekken.
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Masschelein, J. (2019). La escuela como práctica y technología de la pertenencia al mundo. Praxis & Saber, 10
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Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2019). School, pedagogy and Foucault's undefined work of freedom. Materiali
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Masschelein, J., Simons, & M., Larrosa, J. (2019). The matter with/of school. Storylines of the scholastic fable. In R.
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Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2018). La lengua de la escuela: ¿alienante o emancipadora? In: J. Larrosa Bondia (Eds.), Elogio de la escuela, Chapt. 1.1, (19-39). Miño y Dávila.
Masschelein, J.,& Simons, M. (2018). Experiencias escolares: intentando encontrar una voz pedagógica. In: J. Larrosa Bondia (Eds.), Elogio de la escuela, (41-62). Miño y Dávilla.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2018). Om retten til skole fra et pedagogisk synspunkt. Nor sonner og dotre blir elever og studenter. In M. Von Wright & T. Kvernbekk (Eds.), Barn og deres voksne, Chapt. 15 (pp. 257-273). Oslo: Cappellen Damm Akademisk.
Filordi de Carvalho, A., Groppa Aquino, J., Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2017). After in defence of the school: an interview with Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons. Depois de em defesa da escola: uma entrevista com Jan Masschelein e Maarten Simons. Después de defensa de la escuela: una entrevista con Jan Masschelein e Maarten Simons. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, 19(4), 705-719.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2017). Die Schule und die Universität reklamieren. Pädagogische Annäherung an eine Katastrophe. In: L. Wigger, B. Platzer, & C. Bünger (Eds.), Nach Fukushima? Zur erziehungs- und bildungstheoretischen Reflexion atomarer Katastrophen. Internationale Perspektiven, (37-53). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2017). School experiences: an attempt to find a pedagogical voice. Childhood and philosophy, 13(28), 649-669.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2017). The language of the school: alienating or emancipating? Childhood and philosophy, 13(27), 193-212.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2016). Afterwords. Educational Theory, 66 (4), 575-576
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2016). School experiences: an attempt to find a pedagogical voice. In: W. Kohan, S. Lopes, & F. Martins (Eds.), O ato de educar em uma língua ainda por ser escrita, (249-258). Rio de Janeiro: Nefi.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2016). The language of the school. Alienating or emancipating. In: W. Kohan, S. Lopes, & F. Martins (Eds.), O ato de educar em uma língue ainda por ser escrita, (291-300). Rio de Janeiro: Nefi.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2015). Education in times of fast learning: the future of the school. Ethics and Education, 10 (1), 84-95.
Masschelein, J. (2015). Epilogue. After school ...school once more ? In N. Vansieleghem, J. Vlieghe, P. Verstraete (Eds.), Afterschool. Images, education, and research, (157-159). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2015). Lessons of/for Europe. Reclaiming the school and the university. In P. Gielen (Eds.), No Culture, no Europe. On the foundation of politics, (143-164). Amsterdam: Valiz.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2014). De architectuur van de leeromgeving/ een 'school' zonder 'ziel'? /The architecture of the learning environment/a 'school' without a 'soul' ? Oase: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, 72, 6-13.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2013). In defence of the school. a public issue. Leuven: E-ducation, Culture & Society Publishers.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2012). Apologie van de school. en publieke zaak. Leuven/Den Haag: Acco.
Masschelein, J. (2012). Opvoeding en burgerschap? Pedagogische betekenis van gezin en school: kinderen ter wereld brengen. In H. Haerden (Eds.), Nadenken over opvoeding, (102-111). Antwerpen - Apeldoorn: Garant.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2011). The hatred of public schooling : the school as the mark of democracy. In M. Simons, & J. Masschelein (Eds.), Rancière, public education and the taming of democracy, Chapt. 11, (150-165). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2011). Un-contemporary Mastery. The ordinary teacher as philosopher. In: M. Zahn, & K-J. Pazzini (Eds.), Lehr-Performances. Filmische Inszenierungen des Lehrens, (17-35). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Vrije tijd en amateurisme in het onderwijs: over de fabel van verzakelijking en professionalisering.Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2011). Vrije tijd en amateurisme in het onderwijs: over de fabel van verzakelijking en professionalisering. In: R. Klarus, & W. Wardekker (Eds.), Wat is goed onderwijs? Bijdragen uit de pedagogiek, Chapt. 3, (37-53). Den Haag: Boom Lemma Uitgevers.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2010). Hatred of democracy... and of the public role of education? Introduction to the special issue on Jacques Rancière. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(5), 509-522.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2010). Schools as Architecture for Newcomers and Strangers: The Perfect School as Public School? Teachers College Record, 112(2), 533-555.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2010). The hatred of public schooling: the school as the mark of democracy. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(5), 666-682.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2009). De publieke betekenis van de school: de perfecte school. In: K. Laenen, R. Quaghebeur, & C. Robberechts (Eds.), Schoolvoorbeelden. Over kunstinterventies in scholen, (129-153). Brussel: Vlaams Bouwmeester.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2009). From Schools to Learning Environments: The Dark Side of Being Exceptional. In: R. Cigman, & A. Davis (Eds.), New Philosophies of Learning, Chapt. 6.4, (311-327). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). From schools to learning environments: The dark side of being exceptional. Journal of philosophy of education, 42(3-4), 687-704.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2007). The architecture of the learning environment: A school without a ‘soul’? Oase, 72, 6-13.