This is book is a virtual book, a possible book. It consists of texts and presentations that are already available in another form (in journals, edited volumes, on websites). It is not about disrespecting their original form. But putting them together might create another form, another bookish type of collection, making the texts and presentations accessible in another way. Less dispersed, less fragmented, less locked up or enclosed. The book is no repository of all our publications, but an ongoing selection. Probably the chapters offer an easy way into the book, but there are also other ways of getting access.
Reader guide
Masschelein, J. (2024). Con tiempo. Sobre las formas pedagógicas. Notas para una lección. Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 36(1), 13-30. -
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2023). Longing for school: the unexpected impetus for a 'New school Movement'. In N. Kuhlmann, N. Rose, O. Hilbrich, J. Bellmann, & S. Reh (Eds.), Sozialtheoretische Erziehungwissenschaft . Konturen eines Theorie- und Forschungsprogramms (pp. 275-291). Bremen: Springer.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2023). Remettre « l’école » au coeur de nos établissements d’enseignement. Se réapproprier l’école comme forme pédagogique. Éthique en éducation et en formation, 14, 96-112.
Masschelein, J., Simons, M., & Larrosa, J. (2022). A questão com a escola/da escola: tramas da fábula escolar. In J. S. Fonseca de Carvalho (Eds.), Jacques Rancière e a escola: educação, política e emancipação (pp. 107-136). Belo Horizonte: Autêntica.
Masschelein, J. (2022). Gaandeweg. Over pedagogische vormen. Nota's voor een college. Leuven.
Masschelein, J. (2022). With time. Regarding pedagogical forms. Notes for a lecture. Leuven
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2021). Students Re-Discovering the University: Presence of Mind and Body. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, 3(3), 133-146.
Kohan, W. & Masschelein, J. (2021). Correspondence Walter Kohan & Jan Masschelein, (August 2020 – July 2021).
Simons, M. & Masschelein, J. (2021). Looking after the school: a critical analysis of personalisation in education. Leuven: Education, Culture & Society Publishers.
Simons, M. (2021). The rediscovery of the irrelevance of educational thinking. Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 11(1), 58-61.
Masschelein, J. (2021). Werken in het duister ensceneren. Staging work in the dark. In Ontwerpend onderzoek. Architectuur op het spoor. On to architecture ( pp. 100-109). Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen.
Simons, M. (2020). The figure of the independent learner: on governing by personalization and debt. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (online 12 May)
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2020). Module 3. De maatschappelijke rol en betekenis van onderwijs: benaderingen en toetsstenen. In J. Elen, & A. Thys (Eds.). Leren in maatschappelijk betrokken onderwijs: Basisinzichten voor leraren nu en in de toekomst (pp. 93-129). Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven.
Übersetzt aus dem Niederländischen von Henning Heller, mit Hilfe von DeepL -
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2020). In defense of the world … and the family? Preface to the Korean edition of ‘In Defense of the School. A public issue’
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2020). Szkola jako czas wolny. Bractwa Trojka.
Masschelein, J. (2020). Una historia educativa de la caverna. Revista Fermentario, 14(1), 8-27.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2019). Bringing more 'school' into our educational institutions. Reclaiming school as pedagogic form. In: A. Bikner-Ahsbahs, M. Peters (Eds.), Unterrichtsentwicklung macht Schule Forschung und Innovation im Fachunterricht, (11-30). Springer Verlag.
Masschelein, J., & Pols, W. (2019). Een pedagogisch perspectief: Inleiding op het themanummer. Pedagogiek, 39(3),
269-277. -
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2019). Het failliet van onderwijs op maat: naar pedagogische werkplekken.
Pedagogiek, 39 (3), 349-366. -
Masschelein, J. (2019). La escuela como práctica y technología de la pertenencia al mundo. Praxis & Saber, 10
(24), 387-399. -
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2019). School, pedagogy and Foucault's undefined work of freedom. Materiali
foucaultiani, VII (13-14), 113-133. -
Masschelein, J., Simons, & M., Larrosa, J. (2019). The matter with/of school. Storylines of the scholastic fable. In R.
Mayer, & A. Schäfer, S. Wittig (Eds.), Jacques Rancière: Pädagogische Lektüren, (135-153). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. -
Masschelein, J. (2019). Turning a city into a milieu of study: university pedagogy as "frontline". Educational
Theory, 69(2), 185-203. -
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2018). La lengua de la escuela: ¿alienante o emancipadora? In: J. Larrosa Bondia (Eds.), Elogio de la escuela, Chapt. 1.1, (19-39). Miño y Dávila.
Masschelein, J. (2018). An educational cave story (On animals that go to 'school'). In P. Smeyers (Eds.), International handbook of philosophy of education (pp. 1185-1200). (Springer International Handbooks of Education). Springer.
Masschelein, J.,& Simons, M. (2018). Experiencias escolares: intentando encontrar una voz pedagógica. In: J. Larrosa Bondia (Eds.), Elogio de la escuela, (41-62). Miño y Dávilla.
Simons, M. (2018). Michel Foucault: Educational Philosopher? In P. Smeyers (ed.), International handbook of philosophy of education (pp. 163-173). Springer.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2018). Om retten til skole fra et pedagogisk synspunkt. Nor sonner og dotre blir elever og studenter. In M. Von Wright & T. Kvernbekk (Eds.), Barn og deres voksne, Chapt. 15 (pp. 257-273). Oslo: Cappellen Damm Akademisk.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2018). The university as pedagogical form: Public study, responsibility, mondialisation. In S. Ramaekers & N. Hodgson (Eds.), Past, Present, and Future Possibilities for Philosophy and History of Education Finding Space and Time for Research, Chapt. 4 (pp. 47-61). Springer.
Masschelein, J. (2018). Woord vooraf. Van sociale naar 'mondiale' pedagogiek? In D. Wildemeersch (Eds.), Grensverleggers. Over kwesties die ons verdelen, (11-13). Antwerpen: Garant.
Filordi de Carvalho, A., Groppa Aquino, J., Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2017). After in defence of the school: an interview with Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons. Depois de em defesa da escola: uma entrevista com Jan Masschelein e Maarten Simons. Después de defensa de la escuela: una entrevista con Jan Masschelein e Maarten Simons. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, 19(4), 705-719.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2017). Aktif Vatandaşlıktan Dünya Vatandaşlığına: Bir Dünya Üniversitesi Önerisi. Yükseköḡretim ve Bilim Dergisi / Journal of Higher Education and Science, 7(2), 167-176.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2017). Die Schule und die Universität reklamieren. Pädagogische Annäherung an eine Katastrophe. In: L. Wigger, B. Platzer, & C. Bünger (Eds.), Nach Fukushima? Zur erziehungs- und bildungstheoretischen Reflexion atomarer Katastrophen. Internationale Perspektiven, (37-53). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2017). Educational theorists. In M.A. Peters (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (pp. 688-693). Springer.
Simons, M. & Masschelein, J. (2017). Experiências de escola: uma tentativa de encontrar uma voz pedagógica. Childhood & Philosphy, 13(28), 649-669.
Simons, M. (2017). Manipulation or study: some hesitations about post-truth politics. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 7(2), 239-244.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2017). School experiences: an attempt to find a pedagogical voice. Childhood and philosophy, 13(28), 649-669.
Masschelein, J. (2017). Some Notes on the University as Studium A Place of Collective Public Study. In C.W. Ruitenberg (Eds.), (40-53). (Studies in Curriculum Theory). Roudledge.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2017). The language of the school: alienating or emancipating? Childhood and philosophy, 13(27), 193-212.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2016). Afterwords. Educational Theory, 66 (4), 575-576
Masschelein, J. (2016). Akademische Freiheit und das Prinzip "Schule". Die Hochschule, 2, 37-53.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2016). Gouvernementale, politische und pädagogische Subjektivierung: Foucault mit Rancière. In: R. Casale, H-C. Koller, & N. Ricken (Eds.), Das pädagogische und das politische. Zu einem Topos der Erziehungs- und Bildungsphilosophie, (165-188). Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
Masschelein, J. (2016). Kritische theorie en kritische pedagogiek. In P. Smeyers, S. Ramaekers, R. van Goor, & B. Vanobbergen (Eds.), Inleiding in de pedagogiek (121-140). Den Haag: Boom.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2016). School experiences: an attempt to find a pedagogical voice. In: W. Kohan, S. Lopes, & F. Martins (Eds.), O ato de educar em uma língua ainda por ser escrita, (249-258). Rio de Janeiro: Nefi.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2016). The language of the school. Alienating or emancipating. In: W. Kohan, S. Lopes, & F. Martins (Eds.), O ato de educar em uma língue ainda por ser escrita, (291-300). Rio de Janeiro: Nefi.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2015). De escolas a ambientes de aprendizagem: o lado negro de ser excepcional. In: A. Filordi de Carvalho, & S. Gallo (Eds.), Repensar a educação. 40 anos após vigiar e punir, (319-358). São Paulo: Editora Livraria da Fisica.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2015). Education in times of fast learning: the future of the school. Ethics and Education, 10 (1), 84-95.
Simons, M. (2015). Education policy from the perspective of governmentality. In P. Smeyers, D. Bridges, N.C. Burbules, & M. Griffiths (Eds.), International handbook of interpretation in educational research, Chapt. 6.7, (1165-1188). (Springer international handbooks of education). Dordrecht: Springer.
Masschelein, J. (2015). Epilogue. After school once more ? In N. Vansieleghem, J. Vlieghe, P. Verstraete (Eds.), Afterschool. Images, education, and research, (157-159). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2015). Lessons of/for Europe. Reclaiming the school and the university. In P. Gielen (Eds.), No Culture, no Europe. On the foundation of politics, (143-164). Amsterdam: Valiz.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2015). The future of the university. Open. Cahier over kunst en het publieke domein.
Masschelein, J. (2015). Why we are in need of pedagogical sciences (as design sciences). A few brief notes. Pedagogia y Saberes, 43, 91-100.
Kohan, W., & Masschelein, J. (2015). ¿Pedagogo? ¿Filósofo? Un ejercicio de pensar juntos. In J.E. Pérez, J.P. Alvarez, C.G. Araya (Eds.), Hacer filosofía con niños y niñas. Entre educación y filosofía, Chapt. 3, (59-89). (Selección de textos, 4). Valparaíso: Universidad de Valparaíso.
Masschelein, J., Vertaler Méndez Peña, M. (2015). ¿Por qué necesitamos de ciencias pedagógicas (como ciencias del diseño)? Unas breves notas. Pedagogia y Saberes, 43, 111-120.
Masschelein, J. (2014). "It is 'we' that are concerned ?" "Being European" as public issue. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 4 (1), 115-117
Masschelein, J. (2014). Afterword: The pedagogue and/or the philosopher, An excercise in thinking together: a dialogue with Jan Masschelein. In W. Kohan (Eds.), Childhood, education an philosophy. New ideas for an old relationship, (90-113). (New directions in the Philosophy of Education). London: Routledge
Masschelein, J. (2014). An elementary educational issue of our times? Klaus Mollenhauer's (un) contemporary concern. Phenomenology & practice, 8 (2), 50-54.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2014). Communising or immunising (the) humanities inventing new pedagogic forms. Open. Cahier over kunst en het publieke domein, Art.No. 118, 1-8
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2014). De architectuur van de leeromgeving/ een 'school' zonder 'ziel'? /The architecture of the learning environment/a 'school' without a 'soul' ? Oase: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, 72, 6-13.
Simons, M. (2014). Governing education without reform: The power of the example. Discourse Studies in Cultural Politics of Education, 36 (5), 712-731.
Simons, M. (2014). Governing through feedback: From national orientation towards global positioning. In T. Fenwick, E. Mangez & J. Ozga (Eds.), World Yearbook of Education 2014: Governing Knowledge: Comparison, Knowledge-Based Technologies and Expertise in the Regulation of Education (pp. 155-171). Routledge.
Masschelein, J. (2014). O mundo "mais uma vez" : andando sobre linhas. In F.F R. Martins, M.J V. Netto, W.O. Kohan (Eds.), Encontrar escola, (170-172). Rio de Janeiro: Lamparina, FAPERJ.
Pedagogue and/or philosopher ? Some comments on attending, walking, talking, writing and ... caving.Masschelein, J. (2014). Pedagogue and/or philosopher ? Some comments on attending, walking, talking, writing and ... caving. In L.J. Waks (Eds.), Leaders in philosophy of education. Intellectual self-portraits (second series), (197-210). (Leaders in educational studies, 6). Rotterdam: Sense Publisher.
Masschelein, J. (2014). Waar staat de jeugd in 2020? De nood aan 'pedagogische plekken'. In C. Mathijssen, M. Loopmans, & R. Crivit (Eds.), Kwetsbare vrije tijd? Uitdagingen voor emanciperend jeugdbeleid, (199-209). Leuven/Den Haag: Acco.
Simons, & M., Masschelein, J. (2014). “This Truth That I Say to You, Well, You See It in Myself”: On research as education | As philosophy | As a way of life. In A.D. Reid, E.P. Hart, & M.A. Peters (Eds.), A companion to research in education, Chapt. 11, (83-95). Dordrecht: Springer.
Simons, M.,& Masschelein, J. (2013). 'Se nos hace creer que se trata de nuestra libertad' : notas sobre la ironía del dispositivo de aprendizaje. Pedagogia y Saberes, 38, 93-102
Nguyen, N.Q., Wildemeersch, D., & Masschelein, J. (2013). Community Forest a Heterotopia. The International Journal of Environmental Studies, 70 (6), 877-892.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2013). Het atelier als autonome pedagogische plek. In M-J. Corsten, C. Niesten, H. Fens, & P. Gielen (Eds.), Autonomie als waarde. Dilemma's in kunst en onderwijs, (49-71). Amsterdam: Valiz.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2013). In defence of the school. a public issue. Leuven: E-ducation, Culture & Society Publishers.
Simons, M. (2013). Marginal comments on the presence and absence of education. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 3(2), 251-255.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2013). The politics of the university. In T. Szkudlarek (Eds.), Education and the political. New theoretical articulations, (107-119). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2013). The university in the ears of its students. On the power, architecture and technology of university lectures. In N. Ricken, H-C. Koller, E. Keiner (Eds.), Die Idee der Universität - revisited, (173-192). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Masschelein, J. (2012). Inciting an attentive experimental ethos and creating a laboratory setting. Philosophy of education and the transformation of educational institutions. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 58 (3), 354-370
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2012). Apologie van de school. en publieke zaak. Leuven/Den Haag: Acco.
Verstraete, P., & Masschelein, J. (2012). Living in the presence of others: towards a reconfiguration of space, asylum and inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16 (11), 1189-1202.
Masschelein, J. (2012). Opvoeding en burgerschap? Pedagogische betekenis van gezin en school: kinderen ter wereld brengen. In H. Haerden (Eds.), Nadenken over opvoeding, (102-111). Antwerpen - Apeldoorn: Garant.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2011). Die Universität als Ort öffentlicher Vorlesung. In: I. Lohmann, S. Mielich, F. Muhl, K-J. Pazzini, L. Rieger, & E. Wilhelm (Eds.), Schöne neue Bildung ? Zur kritik der Universität der Gegenwart, (135-158). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
Masschelein, J. (2011). Experimentum Scholae: The world once more ...But not (yet) finished. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30 (5), 529-535.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2011). Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation : Foucault with Rancière. In M. Simons & J. Masschelein (Eds.), Rancière, public education and the taming of democracy, Chapt. 6, (76-92). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Masschelein, J. (2011). Het meedelen en ontsluiten van wereld. Over experiment en ding. Dietsche Warande en Belfort, 156 (1), 15-23
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2011). Introduction: Hatred of democracy ... and the public role of education? In M. Simons, & J. Masschelein (Eds.), Rancière, Public education and the taming of democracy, Chapt. 1, (1-14). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Masschelein, J. (2011). Philosophy of education as an exercise in thought : to not forget oneself when 'things take their course'. European Educational Research Journal, 10 (3), 356-366.
Masschelein, J. (2011). Philosophy of education. Bajo Palabra. Revista de filosofía, 2 (6), 39-40.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2011). Sociedade da aprendizagem e governamentalidade: uma introdução. Curriculo sem Fronteiras, 11(1), 121-136.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2011). The hatred of public schooling : the school as the mark of democracy. In M. Simons, & J. Masschelein (Eds.), Rancière, public education and the taming of democracy, Chapt. 11, (150-165). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2011). Un-contemporary Mastery. The ordinary teacher as philosopher. In: M. Zahn, & K-J. Pazzini (Eds.), Lehr-Performances. Filmische Inszenierungen des Lehrens, (17-35). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Vrije tijd en amateurisme in het onderwijs: over de fabel van verzakelijking en professionalisering.Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2011). Vrije tijd en amateurisme in het onderwijs: over de fabel van verzakelijking en professionalisering. In: R. Klarus, & W. Wardekker (Eds.), Wat is goed onderwijs? Bijdragen uit de pedagogiek, Chapt. 3, (37-53). Den Haag: Boom Lemma Uitgevers.
Masschelein, J. (2010). De cinema van de Dardennes als publieke denkoefening. In de bres tussen verleden en toekomst. Oikos : Forum voor Sociaal-Ecologische Verandering, 4(55), 38-46
Masschelein, J. (2010). E-ducating the gaze: the idea of a poor pedagogy. Ethics and Education, 5 (1), 43-53.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2010). Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation: Foucault with Rancière. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(5), 588-605.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2010). Hatred of democracy... and of the public role of education? Introduction to the special issue on Jacques Rancière. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(5), 509-522.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2010). Jenseits der Exzellenz. Eine kleine Morphologie der Welt-Universität. Regensburg: Diaphanes.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2010). Schools as Architecture for Newcomers and Strangers: The Perfect School as Public School? Teachers College Record, 112(2), 533-555.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2010). The hatred of public schooling: the school as the mark of democracy. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(5), 666-682.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2009). "The Art of not being governed like that and at that Cost": Comments on Self-Study in Studies of Governmentality. In: M.A. Peters, A.C. Besley, M. Olssen, S. Maurer, & S. Weber (Eds.), Governmentality Studies in Education, Chapt. 31, (527-548). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2009). De publieke betekenis van de school: de perfecte school. In: K. Laenen, R. Quaghebeur, & C. Robberechts (Eds.), Schoolvoorbeelden. Over kunstinterventies in scholen, (129-153). Brussel: Vlaams Bouwmeester.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2009). From Active Citizenship to World Citizenship: a proposal for a world university. European Educational Research Journal, 8(2), 236-248.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2009). From Schools to Learning Environments: The Dark Side of Being Exceptional. In: R. Cigman, & A. Davis (Eds.), New Philosophies of Learning, Chapt. 6.4, (311-327). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2009). Het publieke karakter van de universiteit. Het plaats-vinden en vorm-geven van het publiek(e). Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap, 49 (4), 8-15.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2009). In de ban van het leren. Over biopolitiek en beleid van levenslang leren. Krisis: Journal for contemporary philosophy, 3, 23-38
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2009). The Public and its University: beyond learning for civic employability? European Educational Research Journal, 8(2), 204-217.
Masschelein, J. (2009). The World ‘Once More’: Walking Lines. Teachers College Record.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2009). Towards the Idea of a World University. Interchange, 40(1), 1-23.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). 'It Makes Us Believe That It Is About Our Freedom': Notes on the Irony of the Learning Apparatus. In: P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: the Educationalization of Social Problems, Chapt. 13, (191-204). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2008). De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Leuven/Voorburg: Acco.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). De wil tot feedback. In: J. Masschelein, & M. Simons (Eds.), De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Studies van de pedagogische actualiteit, (25-45). Leuven: Acco.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). De wil tot inclusie. In: M. Simons, & J. Massschelein (Eds.), De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Studies van de pedagogische actualiteit, (95-111). Leuven: Acco.
Simons, & M., Masschelein, J. (2008). De wil tot kwaliteit. In: J. Masschelein, & M. Simons (Eds.), De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Studies van de pedagogische actualiteit., (113-132). Leuven: Acco.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). De wil tot leren. In: J. Masschelein, & M. Simons (Eds.), De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Studies van de pedagogische actualiteit, (161-189). Leuven: Acco.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2008). Do historians (of education) need philosophy? The enlightening potential of a philosophical ethos. Paedagogica historica, 44 (6), 647-660.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). From schools to learning environments: The dark side of being exceptional. Journal of philosophy of education, 42(3-4), 687-704.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2008). Lof der liefhebber. In: J. Masschelein, & M. Simons (Eds.), De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Studies van de pedagogische actualiteit., (193-197). Leuven: Acco.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). Over kritisch e-ducatieve studies. In: J. Masschelein, & M. Simons (Eds.), De schaduwzijde van onze welwillendheid. Kritische studies van de pedagogische actualiteit, (7-22). Leuven: Acco.
Masschelein, J. (2008). The ethos of the intellectual and its public meaning. Zeitschrift für pädagogische Historiographie, 14 (2), 103-104
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2008). The governmentalization of learning and the assemblage of a learning apparatus. Educational theory, 58(4), 391-415.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2007). Competentiegericht onderwijs: voor wie? Over de 'kapitalistische' ethiek van het lerende individu. Ethische perspectieven: nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek, 17(4), 398-421.
Simons, M. (2007). Educational policy in a European context: Exploring processes of governmentalisation in Flanders. Tertium Comparationis. Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenshaft. 13(2), 217-233.
Simons, M., & Masschelein, J. (2007). Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de wand: over onderwijsbeleid en informeren. Impuls voor onderwijsbegeleiding, 38 (2), 67-75.
Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2007). The architecture of the learning environment: A school without a ‘soul’? Oase, 72, 6-13.
Simons, M. (2007). The ‘Renaissance of the University’ in the European knowledge society: An exploration of principled and governmental approaches. Studies in philosophy and education, 26(5), 433-447.
Simons, M. (2007). ‘To be informed’: Understanding the role of feedback information for Flemish/European policy. Journal of Education Policy, 22(5), 531-548.
Simons, M. (2006). Education through research at European Universities: Notes on the orientation of academic research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40(1), 31-50.
Masschelein, J. (2006). Experience and the limits of governmentality. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 38, 561-575.
Simons, M. (2006). Learning as investment. Notes on governmentality and biopolitics. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 38, 523-540.
Masschelein, J., Quaghebeur, K. (2006). Participation: Making a difference? Critical analysis of the participatory claims of change, reversal and empowerment. Interchange, 73, 309-331
Simons, M., Masschelein, J., & Quaghebeur, K. (2005). The ethos of critical research and the idea of a coming research community. Educational philosophy and theory, 37(6), 817-832.
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Masschelein, J., & Simons, M. (2002). An adequate education in a globalised world? A note on immunisation against being-together. Journal of philosophy of education, 36(4), 589-608.
Simons, M. (2002). Governmentality, education and quality management: Toward a critque of the permanent quality tribunal. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 5(4), 617-633.